Sunday, June 26, 2011

Commercial 4

Commercial 4- Axe Excite: “Even Angels Will Fall”
            In the axe excite commercial, it first shows a young boy in a crowded area. All of the sudden, angels fall. Then, we see a man getting off his motorcycle and suddenly angels are surrounding him. The last few seconds, that same man is using the new Axe Excited and the announcer says, “even angels will fall.”
            This commercial is confusing and does not relate to the product itself. However, many unique production techniques are used to help create the ad. Digital technology is used when the angels land on the street. Though the technology was used well in this scene, the overall idea does not translate to the purpose of the product. I understand that they want to associate axe with an exciting moment, such as when the gorgeous angels are surrounding the men, but the unrealistic aspect of this idea makes the ad unconvincing. If the product were called “fantasy” or something similar then it would fit with the idea.
            Though I do not love the commercial itself, the digital technology adds to the value that the ad has. For instance, if “angels” had walked onto the street instead of falling from the sky, the ad would have been less interesting. In the future, axe should consider the purpose of its product and incorporate that into the commercial. Realistically, a man’s deodorant is not going to bring angels to him, even if it is called Axe Excite. The ad would have been more effective if it related more to the purpose of the product.  I am not even sure if it was promoting axe or deodorant. The brand sells both. 

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