Sunday, June 26, 2011

Commercial 5

Commercial 5- Worlds Scariest Shave
In the “Worlds Scariest Shave” commercial for Gillette Proglide, two men are put in cages hundreds of feet below water. The catch? There are sharks surrounding them. As they are being lowered into the water, the announcer reminds the audience that sharks love blood. Once the men are each in the water, they are asked to shave. While one uses the Gillette Proglide, the other uses a disposable razor. The man who uses the disposable razor immediately cuts his face, while the Gillette user shaves flawlessly. As the commercial comes to an end, the announcer asks the audience, “whose shoes would you want to be in?”
This commercial is effective, unique and enthralling. By setting up this experiment, Gillette puts its razor into perspective. Why would anyone want cuts on their face? Especially if they are going to be surrounded by sharks. Even if you are never going to be in a situation with sharks, the idea makes sense. No one likes cuts, and who wants to wear a band-aid on their face?
Razor commercials typically involve a handsome man shaving in the mirror. Occasionally, a famous celebrity is used as a spokesperson. Since Gillette chose a different approach, it makes them stand out. This is a more creative ad for a razor company!
During the commercial, I wondered if the sharks were actually in the water with them. The producers could have put the two men in tanks with sharks. Or, they could have used digital technology to add the sharks. Honestly, I am not sure which one was used. That must mean they did a good job. Overall, there is not anything that I would do to change this ad. Gillette got the point across in a unique and creative way and produced an effective ad. 

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